But Our 病人 are the Real Winners.
There are 2,000+ reasons why Fairfield Medical Center has earned so many awards and honors. Each of our 2,000+ team members are dedicated to helping build healthier communities. 这种对质量和卓越的承诺为您赢得了直接受益的优势.
我们为我们获得的认可感到自豪,这是对我们的成就和我们提供的护理质量的衡量. Yet we continue to strive for an even higher level of care, offering our community a trusted resource for health and wellness.
Columbus CEO Magazine: Top Work Places 2020
American 心 Association: 2019 Get with the Guidelines Stroke Gold Plus Award
这些医院在所有适用的成就衡量标准中,连续两年或更长时间的依从性达到85%或更高,在心力衰竭方面,在附加的精选质量衡量标准中,依从性达到75%或更高, stroke and/or resuscitation.
Aster 奖: Silver Winner
澳门新葡新京的最新一轮广告最近获得了阿斯特奖的银奖, which recognizes excellence in advertising, marketing and communications in healthcare organizations across the country.
2019 Melvin Creeley Award Winner
澳门新葡新京被俄亥俄州医院协会选中,获得2019年梅尔文·克里利环境领导奖, which reflects the hospital’s leadership in environmental excellence.
The Join Commission Hospital-Wide Accreditation
澳门新葡新京获得了联合委员会的全院认证, the nation’s standards setting and accrediting body in healthcare.
Commission on Cancer Accredited Program
Society of Cardiovascular Patient Care 心 Failure and Chest Pain Center
American College of Cardiology
该奖项旨在表彰澳门新葡新京对st段抬高型心肌梗死(STEMI)和非st段抬高型心肌梗死(NSTEMI)患者保持高水平的护理. 该登记处是美国心脏病学会基金会和美国心脏协会之间的合作伙伴关系,也得到了美国急诊医师学会的支持, Society of Chest Pain Centers and Society of Hospital Medicine. ACTION Registry-GWTG使医疗保健提供者团队能够根据最新的数据持续治疗心脏病发作患者, science-based guidelines.
American Diabetes Association
澳门新葡新京糖尿病自我管理项目最近获得了著名的美国糖尿病协会教育认可证书, for the second time in a row, for a quality diabetes self-management education program. The certification is given every five years.
Amerinet Healthcare Achievement Award
Fairfield Medical Center has been recognized by Amerinet, a leading national healthcare solutions organization, 在质量和患者护理服务或患者满意度类别中获得美国医疗保健成就奖.
Amerinet认可其成员为患者做出的杰出和创新贡献, community and business partners in reducing healthcare costs, improving healthcare quality and serving the community.
Ohio Hospital Association Gold Partner
澳门新葡新京被评为医院冠军合作伙伴奖的金牌合作伙伴. This was awarded for the Center going above and beyond to promote organ donation, increase organ donor registration and build community awareness.
CAP Laboratory Accreditation Program
Designed to go well beyond regulatory compliance, CAP实验室认证计划帮助实验室达到卓越的最高标准,对患者护理产生积极影响. 该项目以严格的认证标准为基础,这些标准被转化为详细和集中的清单要求.
The General Surgery Excellence Award™
普外科卓越奖™旨在表彰在肠梗阻治疗方面取得卓越成果的医院, colorectal surgeries, 胆囊切除, esophageal/stomach surgeries, and small intestine surgeries. 在这些国家认可的医院接受这些手术的患者在住院期间死亡或出现并发症的风险较低.
The Joint Replacement Excellence Award™
关节置换优秀奖™旨在表彰在膝关节和髋关节置换方面取得卓越成果的医院. 在这些国家认可的医院接受这些手术的患者在住院期间出现并发症的风险较低.
The Vascular Surgery Excellence Award™
血管外科卓越奖™旨在表彰在腹主动脉瘤修复方面取得卓越成果的医院, 颈动脉手术, and peripheral vascular bypass surgery. 在这些国家认可的医院进行这些手术的患者在住院期间出现并发症的风险较低.
The Women’s Health Excellence Award™
妇女健康卓越奖™旨在表彰在15种常见住院条件和程序中为妇女提供卓越护理结果的医院. 在获得“妇女健康优秀奖”的医院接受这些疾病和程序治疗的妇女, 平均, a lower risk of mortality and complications.
American Academy of 睡眠医学 Accredited Facility
To become accredited by the American Academy of 睡眠医学, sleep centers must comply with the AASM Standards for Accreditation, the gold standard for patient care in the sleep field. These requirements incorporate the latest diagnostic and treatment advances, and the standards ensure that sleep centers provide high quality, patient-centered care.
Geriatric 紧急 Department Accreditation
澳门新葡新京是俄亥俄州少数几家获得三级老年急诊科认证(GEDA)荣誉的医院之一. To receive this designation, 需要急诊科来满足有理由期望提高老年人护理水平的针对老年人的倡议.